
Arrow NextStep Antegrade

  • Tunnel permanent hemodialysis catheter with Antegrade technique:
  • Inverted ports: For high flow, Nextstep Antegrade catheter ports are inverted: the venous port is placed in the SVC and the arterial port is placed in the right atrium
  • Arterial port: designed to optimize flow through placement in the atrium: the side ports take blood from all directions.
  • Venous port: complete separation from the arterial port increases flow and minimizes recirculation.
  • Easy entry: special design for smooth passage through the sheet and word on the guidewire.

Arrow NextStep Antegrade

NextStep Antegrade hemodialysis catheter is designed to achieve the following goals:

Ease of entry for Step-Tip catheters

High Flow for Split-Tip Catheters

Ease of insertion of Nextstep Antegrade catheters

The tip of these catheters is designed to include the following features:

  • Smooth passage during entry and replacement on the guide wire.
  • Easy passage through the sheet

Designed to have maximum flow and minimum recirculation

In order to reduce recirculation and have high flow, Arrow Nextstep Antegrade catheters have two unique features:


In order to have a better flow, the ports are designed upside down:

  • Blood goes from the venous port to the SVC.
  • Arteriosus port takes blood from the right atrium.
  • The side holes on the catheter tip are designed to collect blood from all around.
  • The ports are completely separated to minimize recirculation in addition to increasing flow.

Component set:

  • Catheter 15Fr (1 piece)
  • Smart Seal Fr.16 homeostasis sheet (1 pc.)
  • Guidewire 100, 0.038̎ cm (1 piece)
  • Needle Ga.18, 6.35 cm (1 piece)
  • Metal tunneler (1 piece)
  • Hub (1 piece)
  • Luer-Lock caps (2 pcs)
  • 12Fr tunnel dilator  
  • Dressing 12cm x 10cm
  • Dilator 12 Fr. (1 piece)
  • Dilator 14Fr (1 piece)
  • Safety piece for the needle (1 piece)
  • Scalpel blade number 11 (1 piece)
  • Pipe and clamp (1 piece)
  • Catheter clamp (1 piece)

Arrow next Step Antegrade Catheter Insertion

Ref Code Description Length
CS-15192-SFX Arrow 15 Fr * 7.5" (19cm) radiopaque polyurethane catheter 19 cm
CS-15232-SFX Arrow 15 Fr * 9" (23 cm) radiopaque polyurethane catheter 23 cm
CS-15272-SFX Arrow 15 Fr * 10.5" (27 cm) radiopaque polyurethane catheter 27 cm
CS-15312-SFX Arrow 15 Fr * 12" (31 cm) radiopaque polyurethane catheter 31 cm
CS-15422-SFX Arrow 15 Fr * 16.5" (42 cm) radiopaque polyurethane catheter 42 cm
CS-15502-SFX Arrow 15 Fr * 9.7" (50 cm) radiopaque polyurethane catheter 50 cm

Technical Specs

Catheter Material
Type of technique
Catheter length
19,23,27, 31,42,55

Code Tables

Arrow next Step Antegrade Catheter Insertion

Ref Code Description Length
CS-15192-SFX Arrow 15 Fr * 7.5" (19cm) radiopaque polyurethane catheter 19 cm
CS-15232-SFX Arrow 15 Fr * 9" (23 cm) radiopaque polyurethane catheter 23 cm
CS-15272-SFX Arrow 15 Fr * 10.5" (27 cm) radiopaque polyurethane catheter 27 cm
CS-15312-SFX Arrow 15 Fr * 12" (31 cm) radiopaque polyurethane catheter 31 cm
CS-15422-SFX Arrow 15 Fr * 16.5" (42 cm) radiopaque polyurethane catheter 42 cm
CS-15502-SFX Arrow 15 Fr * 9.7" (50 cm) radiopaque polyurethane catheter 50 cm

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